Soil Boost #1 Starter Kit
1 lb of Energizer1 lb of Roots 'N' Shoots
1 lb of Flowers™ Fruits
1 lb of Ecochar
Vital Force with ECOCHAR Starter Kit for testing the growth potential of these potent soil enhancers with your plants in your growing environment.
Our soil additives are recommended for Greenhouses, Landscapers, Nurseries, Vegetable Growers, Lawns, Gardeners and any application where improved plant nourishment is needed.
Also consider applications where Odor Elimination, Water Purification, Removal of metal from soil, Ammonia elimination in Poultry Houses & Horse Stalls, Enhanced Bird health and many other environmental and soil / water / animal / human health improvements, are needed.
We offer the ECOCHAR & Vital Force in 1 lb & 4.5 Lb. containers and also bulk bags for truck load shipments ...Please contact Bob Rice for Details.